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Updated: Apr 5, 2020

For one night only, bring AORTA films and a luscious, incredible world into your mind.

A riotous righteous award winning film created by gorgeous, radical, queer trans-inclusive artists

With feverish enthusiasm, I am proud to include AORTA Films "W/HOLE" in this edition of extrofromestro. The work of this company reflects the celebration of queer intimacies, stunning aesthetic direction and non-binary representations I would flood the world with. It's potent, poignant and hot af. Settle in for a rich and rousing journey through vibrant dances, fraught drama and erotic delight. 
~Maura Donohue, Curator and Producer


(W/HOLE) is an evening-length film created by queer/feminist porn collective AORTA films in collaboration with performance company the A.O. Movement Collective, exploring the incredible potency of queer hedonism, specifically how the authentic performativity of kink and queer porn can evolve trauma into orgasm, and grief into politically radical, transformative, body-based joy. This work aims to negotiate pornographic embodiment as an anti-oppressive, trans-inclusive feminist practice rooted in femme caretaking and risk, and contextualizes itself as a choreographic process. ( ) investigates the complexity of pleasure, exploring the so-called obscenity of bodies in their most tremendous capacity—their glorious, illicit humanity.

This event has ended. Thank you to our audiences and to AORTA films.

Please follow them on IG at @aortafilmswillneverdie

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