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ACCESS: A podcast about abortion. With a special interview added just for EstroGenius 2020

Join Garnet Henderson, host and producer of ACCESS: A podcast about abortion, for a conversation with Dr. Meera Shah, Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic and author of You're the Only One I've Told: The Stories Behind Abortion.

Following the conversation, listen to the first episode of ACCESS, in which Dr. Shah explains, step by step, what actually happens during an abortion. ACCESS is a podcast that answers all your questions about abortion, including some you never knew you had.

In the United States, one in four women will have an abortion during her lifetime. Many trans men and nonbinary people have abortions, too. That means that you almost certainly know someone — and probably more than one person — who’s had an abortion. That is, if you haven’t had one yourself. But abortion is something that many of us just don’t talk about outside the context of political debates. On ACCESS, we’re talking about abortion, and sharing first person stories from the people who know: people who’ve had abortions, abortion providers, abortion funders, researchers, and more. Each episode breaks down a different topic in an accessible and human way.

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